La Escuela Fratney

oil on wood panel, 6” x 8”, 2015

Located at 3255 N. Fratney Street, Henry Lotter, architect, built in 1903.

This is an open and active school in my Riverwest neighborhood that I painted from a friend’s porch across the street. This school is well loved in the community and is a source of pride. Unlike many other old Milwaukee school buildings, Fratney has a modern addition, completed in 2006, that integrates well with the original structure. I’m particularly fond of the ornament on top of the vent tower. On one of the days I was painting, a kestrel was perched aloft. When painting on location, I enjoyed learning about the daily rhythms of the schools I was observing. The presence of children lightened the mood of the scene (though there are no children present in the paintings).